Book Signing (New York, NY)
Book Signing
November 18, 2005, 7:00 to 9:30 PM
520 Eighth Ave. 16th Floor - Studio 16T, New York City, NY
Suzi Tortora
Laban Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) Fall Networking Event
Laban Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) Fall Networking Event (New York, NY)
The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children
The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children to Enhance Social-Emotional Development (Hastings-on-Hudson, NY)
The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children to Enhance Social-Emotional Development.
Book Signing (Washington, DC)
Book Signing
November 5, 2005 11:15 – 11:45 AM
Hilton Washington Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Suzi Tortora
Zero to Three Pre-Institute, Keeping Babies on the Map
Paul H. Brookes Publishers booth
Zero to Three's, 20th National Training Institute, NTI (Washington, DC)
Keeping Babies On The Map: Progressive Policies, Cutting-edge Research, and Innovative Practice
Nurturing Multi-sensory Development in Infancy and Childhood (Washington, DC)
This presentation will demonstrate how the nonverbal component of multi-sensory experience influences the attachment relationship, including the nonverbal messages that occur through touch.
American Dance Therapy Association 40th Annual Conference American Rhythms/International Rhythms (Nashville, TN)
Forum on Early Childhood Settings: Sixth gathering.
The science and method of using multi-sensory techniques along the healing journey.
Book Signing (Nashville, TN)
American Dance Therapy Association 40th Annual Conference; American Rhythms/International Rhythms.
Emotions in Motion: Infants, Young Children & Parents Dancing with Feelings (Ann Arbor, MI)
The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Power of Movement to Support
Communication & Attachment with Young Children & Families
Autism One Radio with Patricia Lemer (Radio Interview)
Dr. Tortora discusses how she works with children along the Autistic Spectrum.
Book Signing (Ann Arbor, MI)
Suzi Tortora signing her book Emotions in Motion: Infants, Young Children & Parents Dancing with Feelings
Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma | The use of nonverbal movement analysis during the lab visits (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Anni Bergman, Sally Moskowitz, Rita Reiswig, and K. Mark Sossin. Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma; What we have learned in our work with mothers and infants affected by the trauma of 9/11. New Developments in Psychoanalysis.
Bankstreet College of Education | 18th Annual June Infancy Institute, Toddlers, Families: Supporting their Growth (New York, NY)
Exploring Children's Love of Movement
Bankstreet College of Education | Exploring Children's Love of Movement from Typical to Atypical Development (New York, NY)
Exploring Children's Love of Movement from Typical to Atypical Development
Depot Theater | Our Dancing Bodies Through Rhythm & Music (Garrison, NY)
Our Dancing Bodies Through Rhythm & Music
June 21 & 22, 2003
Depot Theater, Garrison, NY
Integration dance performance including children and adults
Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma: What we have learned in our work with mothers and infants affected by the trauma of 9/11 (New York, NY)
Suzi Tortora talks about the use of nonverbal movement analysis in the treatment of women
pregnant and widowed on 9-11.
Grand Rounds at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) May 11, 2005 (Pittsburgh, PA)
Grand Rounds at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC)
Postgraduate Training Program of Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services (New York)
Suzi Tortora will hold a guest lecture at the Postgraduate Training Program of Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services
National Press Conference (Washington, DC)
Dr Tortora will be discussing her work and upcoming book: The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children
A&E National TV| Breakfast with the Arts (TV Interview)
Suzi Tortora's dance therapy work will be featured on A&E national TV. Her segment will be during 9-10 AM (EST).